A convenient and powerful geoanalytics tool for making business decisions. Analyze large amounts of data and easily visualize the results directly on the map
How many people live and work within walking and driving distance of the point of sale?
Where are people most often searching for your products or services?
Datasets for territory and infrastructure analysis
2GIS Pro contains data on millions of companies, buildings, infrastructure objects and information on the interests of 2GIS users. This will give the most accurate representation of where your potential customers live and work and in what places they most often look for goods and services, including yours.
Explore up-to-date 2GIS data on millions of companies by more than 250 criteria. Data is updated daily and verified at least 2 times a year by the contact center and walking cartographers.
2GIS data on the number of companies in cities
Filters by any data about companies: number of employees and branches, organizational and legal form, working hours, number of reviews and rating
Estimate the density of the living and working population within locations of any size, within walking and driving distance.
Total and average living population
Total and average number of office workers
Calculating the number of residents within a radius of a given point
Number of people living and working in the territory
Filters by living and working population, accessibility by car or on foot
Find high-demand locations for your product. 2GIS examines data on millions of user requests who are looking for companies and services — to build routes, purchases, bookings and consultations. This information provides a complete picture of demand by year, season and month in location.
Demand map
Request statistics by hour
Number of search queries for the selected heading or category filtered by month
Filters by radius from a given point, accessibility by car or on foot
Get complete information about buildings in cities — their purpose, number of floors, area and dozens of other parameters. Based on this information, you can create an accurate portrait of each territory — business, residential, industrial or recreational areas.
Total number of buildings — residential, administrative, industrial and others
Data on the maximum and average number of floors, years of construction
Total area of buildings and average area of all buildings on the territory
Filters by area and purpose of the building, presence of an elevator, number of companies, floors, apartments and entrances, status of renovation or construction, year of construction, materials, closed area
Visually and convincingly
Fine-tuning visualization settings will help you present analytical segments on the map. Give the data volume and adjust the color — this will clearly show ratings, company concentrations, building information and dozens of other data sets on the map.
Add your own data to 2GIS data on demand, population, companies and buildings. Upload them to 2GIS Pro and evaluate locations using data synergy. Compare the metrics of your facilities with territory analysis and increase business efficiency.
View detailed data and statistical cuts for any element on the map. Detailed and instant statistics at any scale: consider the entire city or its individual sections — districts, neighborhoods and even houses.
Accuracy at any scale
Flexible configuration of analytical parameters with dozens of filters. Create and combine data layers to evaluate locations based on hundreds of criteria. Make informed decisions based on accurate data.
Manage data on the map
Create polygon accessibility areas for multiple purposes: select walking or transport accessibility, configure the number of zones (from 1 to 5), select the time period of each zone, set merging or separation of zones.
Analytics for business on a city map
Accessibility zones
Select a group of layers with configured visualization and the required selections to share access to it. This way, analytics can be presented to colleagues and partners.
Share access to analytics
Select the required period and evaluate the seasonality of demand in locations of any size in order to choose a place to open a business or a location for the outdoor advertising.
Data for the required period
Four reasons to choose 2GIS
At the heart of all decisions, data that we ourselves collect and update
Since 1999, we have been working with data you can trust
We are trusted by thousands of clients in Russia and the CIS countries